Monday, July 18, 2011

Day Thirty- Seven

I make really funny facial expressions in all of these rafting pictures so just make sure you look closely at them because then you'll get a great laugh. All of these pictures are from my rafting trip. Most of these are just are the professional pictures and the pictures from the water camera we had on the raft.

I haven't done many exciting things lately hence the lack of blogging. We did do an amazing race photo scavenger hunt across Bar Harbor for an entire day, which was pretty fun. I dealt with two bloody knees and ankles and a scraped hand while hiking/ running over ten miles all across Mt. Desert Island. I also went to Pirates Cove, which is a golf course, mini golf to be more specific. I am horrible at putt putt, but I managed to get a hole in one. I also went to a Bioinformatics picnic at a PI's house, so much good food especially blueberry soda with Sprite Zero.

This weekend I get to go sea kayaking so hopefully I'll have pictures from that to share!

Our raft learning how to paddle and learning all of the commands. 

On the raft in the water.

My real great rafting boat.

Being intense.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day Twenty- Five

I think that rather than going into great detail of what I've done in the past week, I am just going to post pictures with captions of some the various things I've done and places I've seen.

Last friday night we had a bonfire in the nearby woods behind JAX. We ate delicious smores,  especially the special recipe one of my RAs has which includes peanut butter, sang silly camp fire songs, and of course stayed warm around the fire. The funnest part was playing "Ride That Pony" which was one of the traditional brother/sister hall activities at NCSSM that I found to be quite entertaining. After we ate food and sang songs we all played with multicolored sparklers in spirit of fourth of July that following Monday.

This is not my picture, I just got it off the internet. But, I did make enough chocolate eclair cake for fifty people for Sunday nights dessert. Since I was on Kitchen Crew for the past week, we were in charge of making meals for people on the weekends including Saturday dinner, Sunday brunch, and Sunday dinner. So, for Saturday dinner we made burgers for everyone with a lot of different toppings (like avocados and grilled onions and mushrooms) and  we made veggie burgers made from scratch. We also had  sundaes for dinner. Sunday brunch we made homemade quiches, hashbrowns, and croissants. It was denoted therefore as 'Le Brunch' to go with the french theme. Sunday dinner we made a fully Italian meal: spaghetti, veggie sauce and meat sauce (made from scratch), cheese italian garlic bread (made from scratch), and caesar salad. Also, of course we had my awesome dessert, chocolate eclair cake, which I should have taken a picture of, because it later got named "geethamonster kake" in the fridge. 
Pikachu and Pichu! The JAX Summer Student Program has an annual tradition of participating in Bar Harbor's fourth of July day parade. This year the theme of our parade float was "X-Mice", because we are mutant mice. So my friend and I decided to be Pikachu and Pichu in spirit of the mutant mice.

This is what the front of our parade float looked like. Our actual float was a mouse cage.

This was us inside the parade float, the mouse cage.

This is the sand bar that connects Mt. Desert Island to Bar Island. The sandbar is usually wiped out when there is high tide, so usually people trying to get to Bar Island have to go during low tide when there's no water there. Once you get on the island and there is a short hiking trail which will take you to the top of Bar Island and there is a lookout where you can see all of Bar Harbor downtown.

Fourth of July fireworks on the Harbor! It was actually quite foggy and cold outside though, but thankfully it did not get cancelled like the fireworks back home did. 

Panoramic view of Sand Beach. Since the weather has been nice lately,  we have been taking frequent trips to the beach. However, since Sand Beach is a part of Acadia National Park it is quite crowded at times especially this past weekend because it was vacationing time for many people. However, the beach has quite clear water, so it's straight up blue and pretty but not as pretty as the water in Key West. 

This is the inside of the hipster theater called Reel Pizza. It is the only theater in Bar Harbor. The theater unlike usually theaters, gets most of its revenue from selling speciality pizzas. Each movie has an intermission that allows people watching the movies to go get pizza or other snack items. The theater is shaped in the way that it's more lounging. There's a large screen with couches on the first four rows, and the back rows have normal theater seats with tables placed in front of them for food. So, Saturday night my roommates and I went to watch Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon or whatever it's called. It was surprisingly a pretty good movie, and was typical to Michael Bay's usual creations because it involved the large "BOOM" noises that he has used in previous films such as Dark Knight and Inception.