Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day One and Two

Day One

So, Kali, Lillian, Rani and I all took our flights together on Saturday June 11th. I find flying quite stressful, and considering I have never flown without my family before it was even more nerve-racking. But, we barely spent anytime in the actual airports because our planes/ flights ended up being more late than we debated them being. Our flight from Philadelphia to Boston was like about thirty minutes late, which almost made us miss our flight from Boston to Bar Harbor. But, thankfully we made it on time and got on the plane. The airplane at Bar Harbor is actually pretty cute. It's really small, and when I say really small I mean like only one room.

So our RAs picked us up from the airport and they had like homemade Rice Krispes for us in the car, and considering I didn't eat lunch they were amazing. We took about a 30 min drive to our house, or should I say mansion. I'll probably post a picture later one of what the house looks like. But here is one from google for now.

Continuing on, we got to the house and took a tour of it. It's practically really huge, the picture above is the back view of the mansion. Pretty cool right? So basically the second floor and third floor are residential rooms for girls and boys respectively. I have three roommates, Kali, Danielle, and Michelle. But our room is relatively big to fit the four of us. So, it's pretty nice. This one is the view of my room, and the other one is the view from our balcony that is connected to our room.

We ate dinner which was homemade pizza. Yumm. The food that is cooked on the weekend is like made by the summer students and the food made on the weekdays is by the cook Mona. We got the chance to meet all of the different people in the program. It was pretty interesting there are people from like Guam, Israel, Finland, Tanzania, Hawaii, and like randomly other states. But seriously, NC super represents. There are about 30 girls in the program, and 9 boys. Pretty odd ratios. Not really sure how they chose those. We then that night watched "I am Number Four" in a nice conference room upstairs. It was pretty much a terrible movie that attempted to be action but really failed at it. For example, while a girl blew up a house they played Adele's "Rolling in the deep" in the background. So strange. The upside to the experience was our RA made like freshly popped popcorn, not from a bag!

Day Two

We woke up at like 7:15 in the morning to go running on a trail. Considering I haven't long distanced run in ages I decided to go, not exactly a good idea. It was a two mile run and it was raining. Then we ate Brunch, the food here is really insane good. They had ever possible like brunch option there could be for food. We then proceeded to go into town. The thing about the program that kind of sucks is that there is not much interaction between the college kids and the high school kids. So we're kind of grouped off in a sense. The downtown was really cute they had a lot of ice cream stores. Even ice cream stores that sold lobster ice cream. I don't really know why somebody would be eat that, but supposedly it is pretty popular here. There was especially this really cool store called "Del Sol" which in Spanish is either "In the Sun" or "Of the sun". It's basically a bunch of white clothes and if you put them in the sun they turn colors. It's actually insane cool. It's not even just clothes either too. We also found a fudge store with like a lot of flavors of fudge which they let you try free samples of. Pretty yummy. Here's a picture of it below!

Later that day, we found a hidden staircase in the house. It's actually pretty cool. We went on long hikes throughout the park.  Probably 4 miles in total? They had a lot of pretty views on it. I feel like I'm constantly being pushed out of my comfort zone lately so I'm going to work hard to push myself to try things. Here are some pictures from the hike.  Enjoy! We then came back, ate dinner, and played sardines around the house. It was pretty fun!

 super rough hair

The following are my addresses for things if you want to send me mail that would be pretty cool. If I have to send you guys mail for graduation and birthday things. Hooray!

Packages: (FedEx/UPS)
Sangeetha Kumar
276 Schooner Head Rd
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

Sangeetha Kumar
Jackson Lab- Student Summer Program
600 Main Street
Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

(Lower left portion of envelope should say "Attention: SSP Box 118")

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